- Fully Working Javascript First Class Interfaces Are Possible! | Matt Prokes
By cduret in Programming > javascript with interface js
- Programming to the Interface In JavaScript: yes, it can be done... er, I mean faked
By cduret in Programming > javascript with interface js
- Tutorial
AS3 Interfaces. | A um passo da certificação flex 3 | TSW - That Should Work Blog
By Karzin in Tutorial > Actionscript with interface interfaces
- Top 6 Online Backup Services
Backing up the data on your computer is very important, especially if you run a business and keep all your information on one hard drive (like most of people do). Most of us never had (and probably will never have) any problems with their hard drives, that’s why we just don’t see the point in backing up all our data.
By lovelylovely in Top 6 Online Backup Services with backup external file hdd interface mediafire pc. providers service storage very web
- GeekTonic
SageTV Web Interface - Control SageTV over the Web
By mrnitpicky in S with interface sagetv web
- Home Automation - PHP web interface för Tellstick
Har nu suttit en par kvällar med ett webinterface till Tellsticken. Det är kodat i PHP och använder sig av en Mysql databas för loggning etc. Webinterfacet kommer ännu att vidareutvecklas med schemaläggare och annat smått och gått.
By henrik in Hus & Hem > Nexa with hus interface nexa tellstick web
- /etc/network/interfaces Ubuntu Linux networking example
Un exemple clair et précis pour configurer ses interfaces.
By HonorH in Public bookmarks with configurer culture.informatique interface linux.debian linux.ubuntu reseaux
- Mockups To Go - A user-contributed collection of ready-to-use UI components and design patterns built using Balsamiq Mockups.
A user-contributed collection of ready-to-use UI components and design patterns built using Balsamiq Mockups.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with application balsamiq browser interface mockups templates web wireframes
- Microsoft Health CUI - Home
The Microsoft Health Common User Interface (CUI) provides User Interface Design Guidance and Toolkit controls that address a wide range of patient safety concerns for healthcare organizations worldwide, enabling a new generation of safer, more usable and compelling health applications to be quickly and easily created.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with accessibility cui guidelines health healthcare icons interface medicine microsoft standards symbols ui user
- Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Windows
An item that provides click-through is one that a user can activate on an inactive window with one click, instead of clicking first to make the window active and then clicking the item. Click-through provides greater efficiency in performing such tasks as closing or resizing inactive windows, and copying or moving files. In many cases, however, click-through could confuse a user who clicks an item unintentionally.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with apple click-through clickthrough guidelines human interface ui windows
Results 11 - 20 for interface
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