- Oracle Application Development Framework - Oracle ADF
Oracle ADF Homepage - Information about the Oracle Application Development Framework
By mc12 in Barre personnelle > Informatique > Professionnel > Oracle with adf barre homepage information informatique oracle personnelle professionnel
- Quiz informatique - testez vos connaissances
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with french informatique test
- Nagios
Nagios is an enterprise-class monitoring solutions for hosts, services, and networks released under an Open Source license.
By mc12 in Barre personnelle > Informatique > Logiciels professionnels > Supervision with barre enterprise-class informatique logiciels nagios personnelle professionnels supervision by 15 users
- KreativMedia
By mc12 in Barre personnelle > Informatique > Professionnel > Fournisseurs with administration barre fournisseurs informatique personnelle professionnel
- phpCollab dev blog — phpCollab
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- Epiware
GPL Document Management Software (DMS) Open Source
By mc12 in Barre personnelle > Informatique > Logiciels professionnels > Gestion de projet with barre gestion gpl informatique logiciels personnelle professionnels projet by 2 users
- KreativMedia
Sind Sie ein Unternehmen und möchten Ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen auf dem Internet anbieten? Dann haben Sie in Kreativ Media einen kompetenten und zuverlässigen Partner gefunden, der all Ihre Wünsche berücksichtigt und professionelle Web-Lösungen anbietet.
KreativMedia ist ein Rundum-Dienstleister für Webhosting, Domain-Registrierung und Applikation-Hosting mit einem besonderen Fokus auf erstklassigen und schnellstmöglichen Support - für Privatpersonen wie für Unternehmen.
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By mc12 in Barre personnelle > Informatique > Professionnel > Fournisseurs with barre ein fournisseurs informatique personnelle professionnel sie sind by 2 users
- SPIP - Contrib
SPIP-Contrib a pour vocation de permettre la mutualisation des ajouts développés par les utilisateurs autour de SPIP. Il peut s’agir de squelettes (...)
Le site des contributions à SPIP
By mc12 in Barre personnelle > Informatique > Logiciels professionnels > Packages Portails with barre informatique logiciels packages personnelle portails professionnels spip-contrib by 2 users
- ChartDirector Chart Component and Control Library for ASP/COM/VB/.NET/Java/JSP/PHP/Perl/Python/Ruby/ColdFusion/C++
Professional chart and graph component and control library for ASP/COM/VB/.NET/Java/JSP/PHP/Perl/Python/Ruby/ColdFusion/C++. Fast, Flexible, Network Friendly, Interactive, Easy to use.
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- Technology Review
The Authority on the Future of Technology Technology Review is owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The oldest technology magazine in the world (est. 1899), it aims to promote the understanding of emerging technologies and to analyze their commercial, social, and political impacts. Our insight into innovation assists technology and business. With international editions in China, Italy, and Germany, Technology Review reaches more than two million industry and R&D leaders around the world through its print magazine, website, newsletters, and live events.
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
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By yeboramx in IT > IT_News with informatique internet prospective technology by 16 users
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