- JAMBA.FR : des milliers de sonneries hifi, poly, vidéos & fun à télécharger pour ton portable !
Chez Jamba, on trouve le plus grand choix de sonneries pour personnaliser son mobile! Toutes les nouveautés sont parmi les milliers de références hifi, poly, vidéos, fun... à télécharger !
By Elia_Square in Public bookmarks with fun hi-fi humour jamba musiques poly polyphonique sonneries sounds télécharger vidéos
- Notes From The Tech Department
Just a few things to think about, a bit of humour, and some useless advice, brought to you by your friends in the Tech Department.
By clearbags in My Sites with humour tech
- It's on ma coat an' all...
By escafeld in Public bookmarks with funny humour radio splat
- Escapa!
Un petit jeu où il faut éviter de toucher les bords et de se faire toucher par les rectangles bleus. Addictif !
By HonorH in Public bookmarks with humour jeu(x).online by 14 users
- best of craigslist : Help me keep the shell people alive.
There is a sad truth to the world today. I am part of a dying breed of people known as "shell users." We are an old-fashioned bunch, preferring the warm glow of a green screen full of text over the cold blockiness of a graphical interface. We use ssh, scp, and even occassionally ftp. Back in the days before high-speed connections ("broadband"), we would dial up during off-hours to avoid being slammed with huge phone bills. The whole "Microsoft Windows" fad will fade away sooner or later, but in the interim, our kind is facing extinction.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with craigslist emacs funny geek humour personal shell vim by 2 users
- 10 most laughably misleading ads
By goeasy in Entertainment with advertisment comedy funny humour
- TV in Japan » This is what TV is like. In Japan.
How Good Is TV In Japan
japan television
By davidbrake in humour with humour japan television by 4 users
- Paleo-Future
A look into the future that never was
By davidbrake in interesting facts with fun history humour weblog by 2 users
- Mullets Galore
Hands down for this brilliant website about this haircut!
...the best mullet site around, hands down. DO NOT ACCEPT CHEESY IMITATIONS! Classifications, Mullet Hunts, Mullet of the Week, Random Mullet Archive, Picture Books, Vocabulary, Mail Sack, FAQs, Linx, it's all here baby, it's all here.
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By LawnchairLarry in Other with humour website by 2 users
- Pick of the Continuity Announcements
By davidbrake in humour with funny humor humour
Results 31 - 40 for humour
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