- Verbix -- conjugate verbs in 100+ languages
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Verbix verb conjugation and grammar in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Danish and more. Language maps.
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By francobollo in German-learning > G-learning-tools > conjugation with *g-learning-tools *german-learning conjugation english french german italian spanish by 5 users
- LEXILOGOS: french multilingual translation site: FR DE EN SP IT DU P....
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- AJAX Translator
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- Deutsche Welle :Video on Demand
German Radio, also to learn German
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- Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
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- ZDFmediathek
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- ZEIT online
weekly German newspaper
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- euronews.net
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German TV, broadcasting only politics themes, and reports / video
By francobollo in German-learning > with information sources with *g-information-sources *german-learning audio german news tv video
- 3SAT
German TV , culture, science,
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By francobollo in German-learning > with information sources with *g-information-sources *german-learning audio german media news science tv video by 5 users
Results 121 - 130 for german
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