- europe-and-me
European life style magazine
By francobollo in Europe with english europe leisure magazin
- Eurozine
Links up over 100 cultural journals from all over Europe and publishes contemporary essays and literary texts in a variety of languages.- network of European cultural journals = netmagazine which publishes original articles and selected articles from its partner journals in several languages. By providing a Europe-wide overview of current themes and discussions, Eurozine aims to offer a source of information for an international readership and to facilitate communication and exchange between authors and intellectuals from Europe and worldwide
By francobollo in Europe with culture english europe french german italian magazine spanish by 3 users
- European Voice
weekly European newspaper in English with an independent stance regarding the affairs of the European Union (EU). The majority of the papers articles cover the day to day business of the EU and its interactions in domestic and international affairs. There is also an editorial and opinion section, a section for readers letters and a crossword. Each week there is a section dedicated to a single issue, which is usually topical (for example climate change) and examines the issue and its relationship with the EU. Until recently, the rear page of the paper was taken up by the "Entre Nous" column which reports on the more unusual stories of the week, often with a humorous tone. This was moved within the main body of the paper as part of a larger redesign of both p
By francobollo in Europe with english europe news newspaper politics
- Presseurop
European news in 10 languages mehrsprachiges Nachrichtenportal, ausgewählte Presseartikel mit dem Schwerpunkt Europa Es wird von der Europäischen Kommission in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Konsortium unter der Leitung von Courrier international betrieben .Eine Redaktion von 10 fest angestellten Journalisten und einer Reihe von freien Mitarbeitern wertet täglich über 250 europäische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften aus, wählt Artikel mit Europabezug aus und übersetzt sie. Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Rumänisch, Spanisch und Tschechisch.
By francobollo in Europe with english europe french german italian news spanish
- PONS Online-Wörterbuch.
Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Deutsch.
By Poeta in Languages > Dictionaries with dictionary english french german italian polnish russian spanish by 6 users
- Gocomics.com
Comics, editorial cartoons, email comics, comic strips
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with books comic comics downloads ebooks english entertainment free fun humor humour rss site travel webcomics by 2 users
- International Herald tribune
international newspaper of The New York Times, Circulation 240,000
By francobollo in other languages > english > media with english international media newspaper us
- Washington Post
US newspaper, good in political reporting on White House, Congress, and U.S. government.
By francobollo in other languages > english > media with english media newspaper us by 2 users
- The New York Times
liberal, daily american , international newspaper,writers of every adjustment, Circulation 1,040,000 Daily 1,450,000 Sunday
electronic edition available
Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, cars & more.
and arms control disarmament limitation nuclear political prisoners prisons tests
By francobollo in other languages > english > media with english media newspaper us by 2 users
- The Times
centre-right/ (No fixed political stance) daily british newspaper,average daily circulation of 620,000 ,its readership were 40% for the Conservative Party, 29% for the Liberal Democrats, 26% for Labour(2005)
By francobollo in other languages > english > media with british english media newspaper united_kingdom by 24 users
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