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- Eurozine
A network of European cultural journals, linking up more than 75 partner journals and just as many associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries. Eurozine is also a netmagazine which publishes articles from its partner journals with additional translations into one of the major European languages.
By hno in Public bookmarks with culture e-zines europe journalism journals magazines news politics
- Eurozine
Links up over 100 cultural journals from all over Europe and publishes contemporary essays and literary texts in a variety of languages.- network of European cultural journals = netmagazine which publishes original articles and selected articles from its partner journals in several languages. By providing a Europe-wide overview of current themes and discussions, Eurozine aims to offer a source of information for an international readership and to facilitate communication and exchange between authors and intellectuals from Europe and worldwide
By francobollo in Europe with culture english europe french german italian magazine spanish
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