- US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA09-020A -- Microsoft Windows Does Not Disable AutoRun Properly
Disabling AutoRun on Microsoft Windows systems can help prevent the spread of malicious code. However, Microsoft's guidelines for disabling AutoRun are not fully effective, which could be considered a vulnerability.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with autorun disabling microsoft vulnerability windows
- InformationWeek | Firefox | 5 Tools To Bulletproof Firefox | July 14, 2006
Here are five essential tools for securing Firefox by disabling JavaScript and Flash, sniffing out suspicious sites, foiling phishing, preventing peeks at private data, and preparing powerful passwords.
Here are five essential tools for securing Firefox by disabling JavaScript and Flash, sniffing out suspicious sites, foiling phishing, preventing peeks at private data, and preparing powerful passwords.
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By tazpaige in Public bookmarks with disabling essential firefox flash javascript securing sniffing tools
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