Maternity Henna | Ashley McNamara Photography | San Diego Photographer I love nothing more than doing a maternity shoot. There is just something so beautiful about the pregnant body I find it fascinating! So when my friend asked me to come along and document a pregnancy henna session I just couldn’t resist. I had never heard of maternity henna art before and just thought it was the coolest thing ever! For those of you who are not familiar with henna art it is all natural and has been used for thousands of years to adorn the hands and feet of women for weddings and other special occasions. Henna is made from a plant that has staining properties. The plant leaves are powdered and mixed into a paste with essential oils and other natural ingredients. By colinmcnamarain Public bookmarkswith artbabydiegodiiegofertilityhennaindianivfmaternitynewbornphotographerphotographersphotographypregnancypregnantsansession