- If Twitter was 100 People… | Information Is Beautiful
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with diagram statistics twitter
- My Visualizations | Information Is Beautiful
Browse some of my visualisations, infographics and diagrams.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with diagram idea imagination representation resource visualisation
- Lovely Charts | Free online diagram software - Flowchart
Lovely Charts is an online diagramming application that allows you to create professional looking diagrams, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, and many more... For free.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with charts diagram editor online tools by 4 users
- Webspiration: Online Visual Thinking Tool | myWebspiration
This is the web version of Inspiration. Think visually, work collaboratively, Webspiration™ is the new online visual thinking tool that helps you capture ideas, organize information, diagram processes, create clear, concise written documents. Publish your diagram or outline to a hosted and protected area of the Webspiration web site. Share the URL with friends or colleagues or use the code provided to embed the document in a web page, blog, or wiki.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with collaboration diagram explain mapping mindmap by 3 users
- BlogLESS : Protect, Point, Pay
The Associated Press thinks that the way to save journalism is to use new technology (DRM) to preserve its old business model. Reddit user ClockworkSparrow took AP's diagram and rewrote the text to expose the folly of this idea.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with ap associated diagram drm funny infographics parody press reddit satire spoof
- /PSTricks/main
By chr in tex with diagram graph graphics latex tex
- Coding Horror: Unix is Dead, Long Live Unix
Unix turns 40: The past, present and future of a revolutionary OS is fascinating reading. Forty years ago this summer, a programmer sat down and knocked out in one month what would become one of the most important pieces of software ever created.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with anniversary codinghorror computerworld diagram family history timeline tree unix
- LucidChart
Online Collaborative Flow Chart Application - Home
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with brainstorming business charts diagram diagrams flow flowchart flowcharts free freeware graphics lucidchart mindmap online software tool tools uml web web2.0 by 8 users
- Heavy Metal Band Names
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with band diagram funny heavy infodesign metal music names weird
- faithsciencediagram.jpg (JPEG Image, 671x525 pixels)
By anarchyandy in Public bookmarks with apologetics diagram images religion science
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