- NASA Site
Launched 6/18/09
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Moon > LCROSS - Impact 10/9/09 with astronomy conrad launch moon spacecraft
- SWRI Site - Launched 10/19/08
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Sun > Ibex - In Orbit with astronomy conrad ibex launch spacecraft sun
- 30 Meter Telescope
First Light 2016
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Earth Telescopes with 2016 astronomy conrad light spacecraft telescopes
- Kepler (visual) - In Orbit
Kepler Mission to find Earth-size planets in the habitable zones of stars
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes with astronomy conrad earth-size kepler mission planets spacecraft telescopes by 2 users
- arngren,elektronikk,roboter,hobby,data,pc,gaver,conrad,teknikk,isbitmaskin,tank,helikopter,gadgets,teknologi,mobiltelefon,tv...
By ankern in web with arngren conrad data elektronikk gaver hobby roboter webdesign by 2 users
- Constellation - Manned (cancelled)
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Moon with astronomy conrad constellation manned moon spacecraft
- SpaceX
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Earth > SpaceX with astronomy conrad earth spacecraft spacex by 2 users
- ESA Site
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Mercury > BepiColumbo Launch April 2018 with 2013 astronomy bepicolombo bepicolumbo conrad launch mercury spacecraft by 3 users
- AGILE (gamma ray) - In Orbit
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes with agile astronomy conrad gamma orbit ray spacecraft telescopes
- SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory) - Operational
By conradandrose in Conrad > Astronomy > Spacecraft > Space Telescopes with astronomy conrad observatory sofia spacecraft stratospheric telescopes
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