- Recordr | Video Communication
Recordr is a way you record yourself live just with a microphone and a web camera, and share it with your friends. By using our bookmarklet, you can also comment with video/audio to a web page you are viewing.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet online record share socialsoftware video webcam by 2 users
- tr.im your URLs
We display your most recently tr.immed URLs here, or, if you login, all of your tr.im URLs since you signed up. tr.im supports three different bookmarklets: tr.im Creates a new tr.im URL for the website you are at, and open a page for you to quickly tweet it to Twitter, and then send you back again. tr.im NW Creates a new tr.im URL for ther website you are at, but it opens a new window, which you can then quickly close with a keyboard sequence if you prefer. No countdown, no waiting. twitter Of course, create a new tr.im URL too, but instead send you over to Twitter's website to send it out from there.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet custom privacy shortener twitter url
- The Printliminator
Remove stuff from page when printing!
By mechanic in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet css printing by 4 users
- Netvouz Bookmarklets
browser bookmarklets for adding to netvouz
By theCoup in design & dev apps & util with bookmarklet iphone netvouz
- ConvoTrack
Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet digg twitter
- TBUZZ - An Arc90 Project - Tweet and track the buzz on any Web page with Twitter.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet twitter by 4 users
- Welcome! » Tagalus
Tagal.us lets you set a hashtag definition via Twitter. users can vote on definitions and decide which best describes a particular hashtag. Tagalus (@tagalus) lets you use Twitter to get and set definitions. There are currently two commands that @tagalus understands: * Define: You can ask Tagalus to define a term for you. Example: @tagalus_user: @tagalus define ip4 @tagalus: @tagalus_user ip4 = Ignite Portland 4 - a "hipster event" according to KGW * Define ____ as: You can also set definitions using Twitter. Example: @tagalus_user: @tagalus define mynewtag as a new tag that describes everything about me @tagalus: @tagalus_user http://tagal.us/tag/mynewtag
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet define hashtag search twitter
- Screenjelly - What's on your screen?
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it via Twitter or email.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet communication email screencast twitter voice
- View PDFs With Google Docs Viewer Bookmarklet [Update: Greasemonkey Script] (Noscope)
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet google pdf viewer by 2 users
- Long URL Please | Lengthening short urls so that you don't have to
Lengthens shortened urls of 58 url-shortening services.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with bookmarklet converter shortener tool url
Results 81 - 90 for bookmarklet
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