- BlogRovR: your blogs, delivered
BlogRovR by activeweave, inc. blog retriever. Your blogs, delivered where ever you browse: discover what your favorite bloggers are writing about the pages you visit!
By vicarious1 in BLOGS i like > BlogRovR with activeweave blogrovr blogs browse delivered inc retriever
- Stickis
Stickis by activeweave, inc. web 2.0 social annotations. Jot down commentary as you go, share thoughts in place, explore the web as a community, benefit from the finds your group uncovers, and start ad hoc conversations anywhere. Communicate, share, blog, express, discover, monitor, collaborate. Our service blends collaborative blogging, web remix and mashups, overlay content delivery, to make teamwork, communication, and collaboration more effective and productive.
BuzzLogic, an online media company that specializes in emotive-based advertising, announced today that it has changed its name to Twelvefold Media. The word �twelvefold� signifies a substantial increase in size, degree or amount and centers upon Spectrum, the company�s recently launched, emotive-based online advertising platform.
By billsfan72 in Social with 2.0 activeweave annotations inc jot social stickis web
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