- Monday By Noon
Monday By Noon is a weekly publication focused on the topics of Web design and development.
By jdrsantos in Public bookmarks with accessibility web_design web_dev web_standards
- A-Prompt Project
Web Accessibility Verifier
A-Prompt is a software program designed to ensure web sites are accessible to all visitors. The program not only provides web builders with a way of testing sites for accessibility barriers, it also provides simple solutions for repairing most problems.
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By jowra in Public bookmarks with accessibility usability webdesign by 2 users
- Using accesskey attribute in HTML forms and links
The accesskey attribute, aimed at making web pages more accessible e.g. to people with motoric disabilities, has proved out to be poorly designed and poorly implemented. Although it is still endorsed by some recommendations, it tends to reduce accessibility rather than help people, though there are some special situations where it might improve useability.
By mfog in Public bookmarks with accessibility browsers css html
- UsabilityExchange :: Welcome
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with accessibility disabled exchange testers testing usabilityexchange
- Made For All: Promoting accessible web design. March 2003 issue.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with accessibility magazine news
- Juicy Studio: Readability Test
Gunning Fog, Flesch Reading Ease, and Flesch-Kincaid are reading level algorithms that can be helpful in determining how readable your content is. Reading level algorithms only provide a rough guide, as they tend to reward short sentences made up of short words. Whilst they're rough guides, they can give a useful indication as to whether you've pitched your content at the right level for your intended audience.
By ycc2106 in tools > seo with accessibility blog check online read replace tools web-based webservice website by 5 users
- Day 14
Adding titles to links - Dive Into Accessibility
By mfog in Public bookmarks with accessibility html
- 456 Berea Street
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, and usability
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, usability, and other things related to web development and web design.
By mfog in Public bookmarks with accessibility blog design usability webstandards by 15 users
- lynx viewer
By cycho in Public bookmarks with accessibility browser browsers lynx tools viewer web webdesign by 12 users
- /* Position Is Everything */ — Modern browser bugs explained in detail!
Advanced CSS demos and bug reports
big bug bugs css demo everything fix html john position test
By joe6666 in Public bookmarks with accessibility articles browser browsers development hacks howto ie media mozilla portal programming reference standards tech technology tips tutorial tutorials webstandards by 5 users
Results 151 - 160 for accessibility
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