- AEEA 天文教育資訊網
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with astronomy databases development educational-organization histories liberal-studies science space technologies 天文 太空 教育組織 歷史 發展 科學 科技 資料庫 通識
- NASA World Wind
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with astronomy databases earth liberal-studies science us-government 地球 天文 科學 美國政府 資料庫 通識 by 16 users
- Human Development Report (HDR)
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases development economics human international-institutes liberal-studies politics societies united-nations 人類 國際機構 政治 發展 社會 經濟 聯合國 資料庫 通識 by 3 users
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Welcome to the OECD, an international organisation helping governments tackle the economic, social and governance challenges of a globalised economy..
agency co-operation cooperation economy globalisation inter-governmental statistics
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases development economics international-institutes liberal-studies politics societies 國際機構 政治 發展 社會 經濟 資料庫 通識 by 7 users
- The China WWW Virtual Library
Internet Guide for Chinese Studies
This award winning guide is part of the official Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library and offers an annotated list of Internet sites dealing with Greater China (i.e. PR China, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore). Topics include News Media, Politics, Business and Economy, Society, Philosophy and Religion, History, Literature, Culture, Language, Bibliographies, Academic Institut
asia asian china chinese east for greater guide internet library peoples r.o.c republic sinology studies taiwan tibet virtual
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with chinese databases directories educational-organization liberal-studies libraries library-lesson 中華 圖書課 圖書館 教育組織 目錄 資料庫 通識
- UC Berkeley on Google Video
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with broadcast databases educational-organization videos 廣播 影片 教育組織 資料庫 by 5 users
- Openrice.com 開飯喇
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases food reviews 評論 資料庫 飲食
- 香港網上食譜 Chinese Recipe Database
Chinese Recipe DatabaseOn-line Chinese recipe database which allows users to search recipes easily. Users can also add recipes to the database, and share recipes using discussion forum.´£¨Ñ¶W¹L1000Ó§K¶O¹ÃСA¨Ã³]¦³¹Ãзj´M¥\¯à¡A¥t¦³¶¼¹°Q½×°ÏÅýºô¤Í¤¬¬Û¥æ¬y¹ÃЩβi¥ô¤ß±o¡C
bbs chinese database discussion drink eat food forum hong recipe recipes
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases food recipes 資料庫 食譜 飲食 by 2 users
- Leisure-Cat 為食貓
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with databases food recipes 資料庫 食譜 飲食
- 吃喝玩樂
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with blogs databases food 資料庫 飲食
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