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Ever wanted to follow a log file or capture debug messages without having a debugger at hand? Then this product is for you! Featuring multiple types of monitors: file monitor, event log, syslog, OutputDebugString and coloring of lines based on regular expression rules. Best of all: it docks to the top or bottom of your desktop like ICQ and other windows resize accordingly.
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- Security Task Manager - Windows XP process viewer
Security Task Manager displays detailed information about all running processes (applications, DLL's, BHO's and services). For each process, it improves on Windows Task Manager, providing: * file name and directory path * security risk rating * description * start time * CPU usage graph * embedded hidden functions e.g. keyboard monitoring, browser supervision or manipulation * type of process e.g. visible window, systray program, DLL, IE-plugin, service The Security Task Manager recognizes also virtual driver software, services, BHO and other processes hidden from the Windows task manager.
Taskman that provides detailed information about programs and processes running on the computer (e.g. file name, directory path, description, security risk rating).
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Unlock locked files that you can not delete.
Ever had such an annoying message given by Windows? Cannot delete file: Access is denied There has been a sharing violation. The source or destination file may be in use. The file is in use by another program or user. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use. Unlocker is the solution.
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