MobileRead Networks - Will your favorite file format last? In this electronic age, there's a growing number of collections of audio, video, ebooks, and other personal content on electronic media. It's stored in various compressed formats, often without concern for whether or not that format will be of any use in future years. Some formats like text, mp3, pdf, etc are very likely to be useful even in a decade. Others like DRM'd proprietary ebook formats are much less likely to be useful. But how about something like DivX? And even our beloved iSilo format leaves us wondering about longevity of content availability. (But that wouldn't stop me from using it, because it's such a great program.) MobileRead Networks - the resource for mobile geeks seeking information and advice for keeping their gadgets happy. avantgodomaindownloadgadgetsipoisiloisiloxmobilemobilereadmobilitypalmpalmonepluckerpocketpcppcsmartphoneturcic in Public bookmarkswith fileformatsstorage