- Diplomacy Monitor
The latest communiqués, transcripts and news releases from around the world from The St. Thomas University School of Law . Diplomacy Monitor tracks hundreds of diplomacy-related web sites. Covered sites include those of heads of state, foreign ministries, embassies, missions and consulates. Newly issued communiqués, official statements, press briefings, position papers and news releases related to diplomacy or international trade are identified and submitted to editorial staff
Monitoring Internet-based diplomacy, international affairs and international trade
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in Politics > International Affairs & Conflicts with internationalaffairs news politics rss worldwide by 3 users
- Egypt's Information Portal
Egypt's information portal provides various information services such as periodical publications, economic studies, and free search in their information databases. Free registration required to access the reports (most of them are in Arabic)
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- Election Guide - IFES
National elections around the world, and other electoral events deemed of high interest, Political parties and candidates, Election results and voter turnout,... provided by IFES, an international nonprofit dedicated to the building of democratic societies
in Politics with election news newsletter politics rss worldwide
- End Poverty in South Asia
This blog is maintained by Shanta Devarajan, the Chief Economist of the South Asia Region at the World Bank. Its goal is to create a conversation around how South Asia can end poverty in a generation
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The EU-Central Asia Monitoring (EUCAM) project was launched in October 2008 by two think-tanks: FRIDE & CEPS. In its work EUCAM relies on its network of Central Asian and European experts and sees its main objective in ehancing and facilitating mutual understanding between the EU and Central Asia
in Countries > Europe & Central Asia with centralasia energy europe foreignpolicy newsletter reports rss
- European Council on Foreign Relations - ECFR
The European Council on Foreign Relations was launched in October 2007 to promote a more integrated European foreign policy in support of shared European interests and values.
in Politics > International Affairs & Conflicts with energy europe internationalaffairs poland reports rss russia
- Eurostat
Statistical Office of the European Communities
in Economic Research with agriculture centralandeasterneuropeancountries economy energy europeanunion fdi finance news population reports rss sectors statistics trade transport by 4 users
- Global Property Guide
News on the worldwide property market, houses price trends, ...
The authoritative source of information on buying residential property outside your own country. It covers every investible country in the world. How much rent you can earn tables. How much tax will you pay? Real costs of buying, itemized.
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in Sectors > RealEstate & Construction with news newsletter realestatesector rss worldwide by 3 users
- Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
in Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Hungary with database economy hungary reports rss sectors statistics
- India Briefing
India Briefing is produced by Dezan Shira & Associates and is designed to educate and illustrate matters of foreign direct investment legal, tax and compliance issues that foreign direct investors face when establishing operations in India. It is a monthly magazine and has a complimentary subscription service
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- Infolatam
Noticias y Análisis de América Latina
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- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), established in 1998 by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), is the leading international body monitoring conflict-induced internal displacement worldwide
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- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
IFPRI's mission is to provide policy solutions that cut hunger and malnutrition. This mission flows from the CGIAR mission: "To achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related activities in the fields of agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries, policy, and natural resources management"
in Sectors > Agribusiness with agriculture conferences development food governance growth markets poverty reports rss trade worldwide
- IPS Inter Press Service
IPS is a news agency which provides news analyses on development, environment, gender, human rights, labour, international finance, international politics, education, health, ...
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- Library of Economics and Liberty
The website is provided by Liberty Fund, Inc., a private, educational foundation established to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals. The site features :Authoritative editions of classics in economics, and related works in history, political theory and philosophy; Featured columns and articles; Links to the most commonly-used economics data bases; Reading lists and annotated bibliographies organized by topic, for those looking for ideas for further readings; Links to other sites of interest.
Economics for thought. Library of economics books and articles, encyclopedia, blog, podcasts, and educational resources. Topics include markets, microeconomics, macroeconomics, free trade, economic history, biographies, and political economy. EconLog, with Bryan Caplan, Arnold Kling, David Henderson, and EconTalk, with Russell Roberts. Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Bastiat, Hayek, Mi
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in Economic Research with economics links rss worldwide by 4 users
- Middle East Institute
the Middle East Institute promotes knowledge of the Middle East in America.
in Countries > Middle East & Africa with conflict internationalaffairs middleeast northafrica reports rss
- Middle East North Africa Financial Network (MENAFN)
Middle East North Africa Financial Network Portal offers business news in both Arabic and English. MENAFN’s content providers exceed 180.
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- Middle East Youth Initiative - MEYI
The Middle East Youth Initiative (MEYI) was launched by the Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institution and the Dubai School of Government in July 2006. Its objective is to accelerate the international community's ability to better understand and respond to the changing needs of young people in the Middle East.
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- Morgan Stanley
Economic research
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- Norwegian Institute of International Affairs - NUPI
The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) is devoted to research and information on international relations, politics and economics
in Politics > International Affairs & Conflicts with africa centralasia conflict economics economy internationalaffairs politics reports rss
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