Trade Statistics - WTO "International Trade Statistics 2006" provides comprehensive, comparable and up-to-date statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services for an assessment of world trade flows by country, region and main product groups or service categories. Some 250 tables and charts depict trade developments from various perspectives and provide a number of long-term time series. Major trade developments are summarized and discussed in the first part of the report under Overview. Detailed trade statistics are provided in Appendix tables. The WTO is the only international body dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, the legal ground-rules for international commerce and for trade policy. disputesecongoodsgovernmentintellectualministerialorganizationprocurementpropertypublicationsservicestradeworldwto in Economic Research > Tradewith 2006databasesectorsstatisticstradeworldwide