Christian Talk It is not often that I make an appeal such as this but I feel it is most necessary at this time. My wife and I are missionaries in Kenya, East Africa. I am British and my wife is African. The church we have planted consists of people who are dealing with poverty and we are often helping people out as best we can. We survive on very little money whilst supporting the church and family, including five kids for whom I am personally responsible. Finances have become an almost overwhelming problem at this time and, whilst we are praying and trusting God, I felt it right to issue this appeal. I hope that this does not offend in any way as it is certainly not meant to pressurise anyone. However, if you would like to help then you can visit my blog Thank you so muc in Public bookmarkswith system:unfiled
Sites that SUCK! Do you have a web site you hate? Is there something online that makes you nauseated, or something so bad it's good? Share it with the world on Sites that Suck!. The only online posting/voting system for web sites that suck! in Public bookmarkswith system:unfiledby 2 users
Submit and WIN We want to collect the worst sites on the internet. Add your submission to the webs worst sites and WIN in our exciting competition. in Public bookmarkswith system:unfiled