- Satcom Online - For Satcom Resources
Welcome to Satcom Online, the online resource for anyone interested in Satellite communications. Here you will find access to articles, for both the novice and the expert. You will find articles broken up into shorter articles at the Satellite School, or longer articles in the Presentation section
Satcom Online - For Satcom Resources: Satcom, Calculator, Satcom Information, Satcom Help, Satcom News, Satellite Calculator, Satellite Communications, Satellite News, Azimuth, Elevation, Satcom Software, Satellite Softrware, C/N, Antenna Gain, Noise Temperature, EIRP, Satellite School, Path Loss, Isotropic
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in Telecoms with articles communications resource satellite
- 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense -- Opponents of evolution want to make a place for creationism by tearing down real scien...
the following list rebuts some of the most common "scientific" arguments raised against evolution. It also directs readers to further sources for information and explains why creation science has no place in the classroom.
Opponents of evolution want to make a place for creationism by tearing down real science, but their arguments don't hold up
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in Public bookmarks with articles creationism evolution
- Common Errors in English
in Public bookmarks with articles language reference by 26 users
- H2O Playlist: Home
H2O Playlist is a series of links to books, articles, and other materials that collectively explore an idea or set the stage for a course, discussion, or current event.
in Public bookmarks with articles bookmarks collaboration education research sharing social_networking by 8 users
- Kendall Freeman
Publications - Articles
in Law Firm Publications with articles publications
- Open Source - White papers, Linux articles and other resources on the topic of open source databases, Linux and related subj...
The Open Source Portal contains articles, white papers and news on how IT organizations are balancing open source and proprietary solutions to solve business challenges. Watch for open source topics such as standards, security, licensing, ROI and user ex
For Open Source articles, white papers, news briefs and other resources on topics such as Linux and open source databases, visit DMReview.com. The Open Source portal has valuable resources assembled in one spot for easy searchability.
data databases integration linux open source standardization warehouses
in Public bookmarks with articles linux open_source opensource software white_papers
- Outsourcing Law
Articles in Outsourcing
in Public bookmarks with articles law outsourcing
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