David Lynch, Writer: Mulholland Drive. Born in 1946 in Missoula, Montana, David Lynch was raised early in small town America. After high school, he went to Boston to attend the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. Shortly after that, he planned a 3 year trip to Europe to work on his art, but didn't take to it and left after 15 days. In 1977... awardsbiographyboardsmessagenewsphotos in Public bookmarkswith cinemadavid-lynchdirectorfilmimdb
Jim Jarmusch, Director: Ghost Dog - Samurajens väg. Jarmusch came to New York City from Akron, Ohio to study at Columbia and NYU's film school. He would also study film at the Cinematheque Francaise in Paris. He worked as an assistant on Lightning Over Water, a film by Nicholas Ray and Wim Wenders, before making his first film, _Permanent Vacation (1982)_... awardsbiographyboardsmessagenewsphotos in Public bookmarkswith culturedirectorfilmimdbjarmuschmovie
Ingmar Bergman, Writer: Det sjunde inseglet. Ernst Ingmar Bergman was born 14 July 1918, son of a priest. The film and TV-series, Den goda viljan is biographical and shows the early marriage of his parents. The film 'Söndagsbarn' depicts a bicycle journey with his father. In the TV-mini Enskilda samtal is the trilogy closed. Here, as in 'Den Goda Viljan' Pernilla August play his awardsbiographyboardsmessagenewsphotos in Public bookmarkswith artbiographycreativedirectorfilmimdb
Sam Peckinpah, Writer: Det vilda gänget. "If they move", commands stern-eyed William Holden, "kill 'em". So begins Det vilda gänget, Sam Peckinpah's bloody, high-body-count eulogy to the mythologized Old West. "Pouring new wine into the bottle of the Western, Peckinpah explodes the bottle", observed critic Pauline Kael. That exploding bottle... awardsbiographyboardsmessagenewsphotos in Public bookmarkswith cinemadirectorfilmfilmographyimdb