- Myth of the Flat Earth
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- Nízký Jeseník
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- On a General Method in Dynamics
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- On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
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- Přednášky ke stažení - Fyzika v dějinách lidské kultury — UF/MA14
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- Reading Materials for CoCo 9
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- Research
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- Science: Documents show Spaniard, not Dutchman, invented telescope | World news | The Guardian
Four hundred years on, documents suggest original design was Spanish
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- Stránky doc. Aleny Šolcové
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- The special theory of relativity
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- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
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- Top Cited Articles of All Time (2010 edition)
Articles Cited Most Often in SPIRES-HEP
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- Ueber die Ablenkung eines Lichtstrals von seiner geradlinigen Bewegung – Wikisource
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- Valentin Stanzel
Biography of Alfréd Rényi (1921-1970)
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- Vectors
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