- The Debunker's Domain, by Robert Sheaffer. Skeptical resources on UFOs, the paranormal, feminis.url
The Debunker's Domain by Robert Sheaffer. Skeptical resources on UFOs, paranormal claims, so-called feminist 'scholarship'
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in Links with debunkers domain paranormal resources robert sheaffer skeptical ufos by 3 users
- The Debunker's Domain, by Robert Sheaffer. Skeptical resources on UFOs, the paranormal, feminist scholarship.url
The Debunker's Domain by Robert Sheaffer. Skeptical resources on UFOs, paranormal claims, so-called feminist 'scholarship'
feminism issues mens paranormal patriarchy skepticism ufos
in Links with debunkers domain paranormal resources robert sheaffer skeptical ufos by 3 users
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