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  • Sanctions Are Preferable to War?
    You hear this sort of thing all the time in American foreign policy discussions, even from liberals who sincerely want to avoid war. And it has a whiff of reasonableness to it, in that strangulation may be preferable to being shot in the forehead. After all, while death in the latter case would likely be instant, strangulation is gradual which may give the victim time to comply with the aggressor demands.
    in Public bookmarks with casualties death foreign policy sanctions war
    Note: Sanctions Are Preferable to War?
  • Does Sanction Diplomacy Work?
    Given the huge mess in Iraq and Afghanistan today, why would anybody want to overthrow another government? During the last four years, the Iranian government has extensively portrayed the bloody situation in these countries for its people, to show them how the negative results of foreign interference, weak government, and lack of security.
    Does Sanction Diplomacy Work? - The Huffington Post
    diplomacy does politics sanction work
    in Public bookmarks with foreign iran policy sanctions
    Note: Does Sanction Diplomacy Work?

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