ATCC: The Global Bioresource Center ATCC is a global bioresource center that stores and distributes biological materials such as cell lines, bacteria, animal and plant viruses and antisera, fungi, protozoa, algae, clones and other molecular genomic materials. We also manage databases and offer repository management and other laboratory services. with atccbiologicalbioresourcecelldistributesglobalmaterialsstores
HCI Sites The HCI Sites page is a collection of resources on Human-Computer Interaction. It replaced Keith Instone's HCI Virtual Library (originally the HCI Launch Pad). In addition to the link cateogries below, the HCI Webliography also maintains special-interest lists of links on:
- making computers and software accessible to persons with disabilities
- programs, courses, and resources for teaching
Intercultural Resources
- internationalization, translation, and localization
Kids and Computers
- interactive media for children and adolescents bibliographycomdesignevaluationfactorshcihumanhuman-computerinteractioninterfacesoftwareusabilityuserwebliography with collectionhcihuman-computerinteractionkeithpageresourcessites