StarDate Online Your guide to the universe. StarDate is the public education and outreach arm of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. Our radio program airs daily on more than 300 stations. And our popular bimonthly astronomy magazine is the perfect skywatching companion for amateur astronomers or anyone interested in celestial events and space exploration. We also offer astronomy resources to teachers, the media, and the public. Non-technical information about astronomy and space exploration, including stargazing tips, FAQs, sky almanac, solar system guide, StarDate magazine articles, and K-12 teacher resources. StarDate Online is the web companion to the popular syndicated radio program. amateurastronomerastronomyexplorationgalileohubblemcdonaldobservatoryonlineouterspacestardatetelescopetravel in Public bookmarkswith astronomyexplorationmcdonald_observatoryradio_programsky-watchingspaceby 7 users