- Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey
Welcome to the Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey! a collaboration between scientists, educators and you Many invasive species, like Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata), are threatening the world's natural resources, but the abundance of invasive species can vary dramatically over space and time. Scientists still do not have a good understanding of why this is so. Through large-scale sampling, scientists can identify areas that differ in the intensity of invasion and try to understand why these differences exist. We can also compare this to variation in the native range. This may be crucial to researching new methods of control, but a large project like this could cost millions of dollars and years of work. Through the use of a simple, standardized protoco
in Public bookmarks with alliaria data ecology garlic_mustard methods resources sampling survey transect
- Water Action Volunteers Citizen Stream Monitoring
Citizens’ groups from throughout Wisconsin are using Water Action Volunteers' sampling protocols to monitor the health oftheir hometown streams and rivers. They monitor dissolved oxygen, temperature, transparency, flow, habitat, and macroinvertebratesbetween April and October. There are several program goals: 1) Wisconsin citizens will monitor stream and river health. to support data sharing for educational purposes. 2. Provide a network for volunteer groups, individuals, and schools to interact. 3. Provide support for civic conservation and environmental groups. 4. Help increase linkages between volunteer monitoring efforts and public resources protection programs.
in Public bookmarks with citizens goals macroinvertebrates monitor protocols rivers sampling streams volunteers water
sampling from all users