UD Virtual Compound Microscope GREAT resource for students who missed the day of the wet lab. Offers views of several different samples and is very nearly as good as sitting at the microscope, including the difficulty of moving the sample under high power! Use it for kids who miss the wet lab or as a substitute for those who can't handle the real scope. in Public bookmarkswith cellslabmicroscopevirtualby 3 users
PHSchool's The Biology Place Has virtual labs on diffusion & osmosis; enzyme catalysis; mitosis & meiosis; plant pigments & photosynthesis; cellular respiration; molecular biology; genetics; population genetics; transpiration; circulatory physiology; animal behavior; dissolved oxygen. in Public bookmarkswith biologylablifevirtual
Significant Figures Java Applet Requires correct identification of number of Significant Figures in numbers and (addition) equations. Here is a little game with significant figures. There are 12 different numbers for which you have to determine the number of significant figures. Try to keep the number of wrong tries to a minimum! in Public bookmarkswith digitsdrillinteractivelabmeasurementprecisionsig_figs
Biointeractive Virtual World Biointeractive is a set of educational resources for students and teachers in the fields of biology and medicine. It includes a set of virtual labs which guide the user through various medical and biological procedures, such as a cardiology exam or a neurophysiology exam. However, it is not a Virtual World, as it lacks persistence and support for multiple users in the same space. in Public bookmarkswith biologylabmedicalvirtual