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  • Whale Game
    In The Whale Game you'll observe the health of several oceans, test the DNA of whale meat bought in Japan or Iceland, and encounter hostile whaling fleets, hurricanes or typhoons,tsunamis, industrial fishing fleets, fishers using destructive driftnets, rogue waves, and many kinds of ocean pollution, including oil spills, plastics, sewage, fertilizers, and toxic chemicals. You'll try to divert a naval fleet heading for a collision with a pod of whales and witness titanic struggles between whales and giant squid. And by the way, you'll also have to accurately identify any whales you see! When you return home, you'll present your data and observations to the world community. Hopefully, whales and their ocean habitat will be protected! Game available for $5
    in Public bookmarks with dna fishing game hostile meat observe oceans whale whaling

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