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  • ~ Krishna ~
    I am all forms, as well as the very universe in which all things are seated. When I appear in this form, I am every bit The Supreme as I am in any other form. There are trillions of worlds wherein I, being life itself, am incarnated in my various forms. There, I supersede, create and destroy. I take these various forms in order to draw creation unto Myself. The law of attraction requires objectivity, which requires subjective matter. Thus, I must be born among My Creation and interact with it. I appear in mighty forms, astute forms, as well as extremely fragile forms, which are the most challenging to the faith of the less intelligent. Intelligence is security, whereas ignorance is insecurity. Those who throw themselves unto the pursuit of knowledge are nat
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  • ReverbNation Player
    My name is Paul Germana. I was born in 1970 in Lake Charles, Louisiana . Music was always everything to me; even as a little boy, I thought I was Shaun Cassidy. Remember him girls?.......(Oh well, some of you do). I picked up the guitar when I was sixteen
    in Public bookmarks with frets guitar me medleys melodies millions money mp3 mp3s music musician myspace piano

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