- Secuoyas
Cute css layout with elements of Flash.
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- SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers
Create website sitemaps with unorderlists and CSS.
in Tools with css devleopment sitemap tool web by 5 users
- Tableless forms
Using CSS to design tableless forms.
Learn by example how to create a tableless css form
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in Tutorials/Articles > CSS with css forms tableless
- The CSS Box Model
in Tutorials/Articles > CSS with box css model by 2 users
- The CSS Tinderbox
Open Source CSS Web Design Templates
The CSS Tinderbox is an effort to support open source web design by providing very basic, yet solid, CSS/XHTML design templates that web designers can use as the foundation for their own projects.
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- Veerle's blog 2.0
I'm a graphic/web designer living in Belgium. My personal journal is an online source for topics ranging from XHTML/CSS to graphic design tips.
in Design (general) > Designers/Portfolios with blog css design graphic illustrator photoshop tutorial webdesign by 14 users
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Official info on everything HTML, CSS, XHTML and other things web.
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- 10 Creative & Rich UI interfaces & How to Create Them | Noupe
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- 8 CSS web menus you just can't miss
8 CSS web menus you just can't miss
8 CSS and Ajax web menus you just can't miss
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in Tutorials/Articles > CSS with css menus by 2 users
- brdcast.
Another CSS portal/showcase for website design
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in CSS with css design inspiration showcase website by 4 users
- Creating a CSS layout from scratch : Subcide
Tutorial on creating a css layout from design to code.
Subcide is the home of Steve Dennis, a freelance web designer and front-end CSS/HTML developer currently based in London.
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in Tutorials/Articles > CSS with css tutorial by 5 users
- CSS Menu Builder
Free online navigation generator
in CSS with builder css menu by 2 users
Showcase of both good and bad website design
CSS MESS shows to the world some of the most inspirational and some of the most ugly websites out there on the web.
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- Jason Santa Maria
One of the designers of A List Apart. Nice CSS design.
Designer by day, designer by night.
in Design (general) > Designers/Portfolios with css design designers general list portfolios by 2 users
- Sohtanaka - Web Design Tutorials - LA
Great resource for good web scripts and tutorials from sliders, galleries, menus. CSS Tutorials, jQuery Tutorials, SEO Tips, Beginner Tutorials, Intermediate Tutorials, and more.
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- Top 10 Web Designs - Web Design Beach
Some nice website layout designs
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- Unmatched Style
CSS Web Design Inspiration and CSS Gallery
in CSS with css design inspiration showcase website by 20 users
- Vertical Centering With CSS
in CSS with centering centre css vertical by 4 users
- 19 Gorgeous Website Footers - SEOmoz
CSS website footers
Footers are important. Usually, they are a repetition of the primary navigation and contain anything that is considered "the fine print," such as copyright information and privacy policies. With the rising popularity of standards based design, they also have become the home for buttons that show off standards compliance. While doing a ...
in Tutorials/Articles > CSS with css footers web by 2 users
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