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  • The Torchwood Institute - Fic: Wool
    Title: Wool Author: MeiLin Rating: PG for flirting Characters: Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, OC Disclaimer: The Beeb owns everyone in here, and a good chunk of me too, apparently. Except for the clerk. He's mine. Well. Until Jack wrests him away, he is. Summary: The return of knitting!Jack. Jack goes yarn-shopping and goes local instead of online. Author's notes: This is just pure nonsense, a cordial to ease my brain after too much angst writing, and partly inspired by a spoiler I read about the opening scene of series 2. No, it's not in a yarn shop! Dedicated like all knitting!Jack stories to the Who Knits Ravelers.
    in tiny_fandoms_and_crossovers with torchwood

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