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  • meyerlemon: Fic: The Guidance Counselor (Friday Night Lights - A Semi-Homemade Fic)
    The Guidance Counselor Fandom: Friday Night Lights - A Semi-Homemade Fic Rating: There is pr0n Words: 6059 Summary: Oh, you know, it's a Friday Night Lights AU/bad romance novel where Coach Taylor is a widower (only, um, his first wife wasn't Tami, because we love Tami and can't go around KILLING HER OFF) and there's this female guidance counselor who's awkward and vaguely lame, and she and Coach Taylor make out. And stuff. I'm pretty much over my shame, guys. Also, this will have more parts. onelittlesleep and I are sort of writing parts in turn. HELLO HELLO. You should join our new community, semihomemadefic, where (...we hope) people will post stories that are kind of only SORT OF related to the source text, and/or are full of original characters, etc. W
    in friday_night_lights_fic with semi_homemade_fic the_guidance_counselor
  • onelittlesleep: New FNL WiP "The Guidance Counselor"
    The Guidance Counselor fandom: Friday Night Lights author: This part, me. Other parts, meyerlemon part: 2 rating: Adult note: This is a multi-part Coach Taylor/OFC AU fic for Friday Night Lights. The first part is here. This is also the first fic to be posted at the LJ community, semihomemadefic, to cater to all your reaaaally AU posting and reading needs. Please check it out.
    in friday_night_lights_fic with semi_homemade_fic the_guidance_counselor

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