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  • yin_again and again and again...etc. - FIC: Ways and Means by Yin, Ch 7 & 8, NC17
    Ways and Means, Chapters 7 and 8 Author: Yin Fandom: SGA Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warning: None Notes: This is part of Ways and Means (link goes to my website). It will make more sense if you read the previous parts. Oh, dear lord - this is the first SGA story I ever wrote, so it's set somewhere in Year 1. I have not touched it in ages [are you sensing a trend?]. I humbly apologize to anyone who was following it, if those persons are still alive, for the delay. Unbetaed, so point out any screw-ups and I'll fix 'em.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 series_archive yin
  • It's Not A Project, It's A Lifestyle - New fic: Table Porn series, pt. 4
    In Words This Time By: tesserae_ Fandom: SGA, Sheppard/ McKay Rating: NC-17 Word count: 2500 A/N: set in California, post-series, and coda to the series that started with Touch Dominance. Part 2 is here and Part 3 is here. Many many thanks to yin_again for the beta on this and the other three, and for her support. Of course, she started it with her story, Devil You Know.
    in sga fic with mcshep series_archive
  • Water Gate: Retrograde Series
    Retrograde series archive
    Water Gate
    in sga fic with series_archive
  • yin_again and again and again...etc. - Fic: Tremor by Yin, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17
    Tremor Author: [info]yin_again Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warning(s): Post-Atlantis future fic Authors Note(s): This is a follow on to Devil You Know, after Up on the Rooftop and [info]tesserae_'s Touch Dominance. Summary: John tied to the headboard. John doesn't give it up often, but when he does, when he lets Rodney wind the belt from his bathrobe around one wrist and an ugly tie around the other and tie him to the carved wooden spindles, he really gives it up. When he finally surrenders, he goes down hard, and it makes Rodney weak at the knees to own such beauty, even for just a little while.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 series_archive

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