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  • Alpha Centauri
    in sga fic with johnrodeyronon ot3
  • estrella30: New RPS fic - Jared/Jensen/Sandy - Why Can't I
    Title - Why Can't I Pairing - Jared/Jensen/Sandy Rating - NC17
    in cw fic with jsquared ot3 sandy
  • If There Be Thorns
    This story is a sequel to Julad's wonderful Beneath The Roses, which you should read first. If There Be Thorns by shalott
    in sga fic with mcshepzelenka nc-17 ot3
  • just to break my fall
    just to break my fall To strangecobwebs, who came up with the VERY inspired idea for this fic and many, MANY thanks to brooklinegirl, who loves me enough to beta SGA threesome porn for me. *hearts*
    in sga fic with mcshep ot3
  • The Bead Box - Fic: SGA, Currently Untitled, FMAO, M/S/OFC *WIP*
    Dunno yet. Author: Me Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Sheppard/OFC Rating: Mature Audiences Only Genre: PWP, Threesome, Slash and Het Spoilers: Prior to “The Siege” Atlantis has not been in contact with Earth, and doesn’t expect to be.
    in sga fic with mcshep ofc ot3 snippets
  • Yoshino ..:.. auburnanderetria
    Yoshino by Auburn and eretria Codes: Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: SG-1, het and slash, pwp, threesome, McKay/Sheppard/Carter, rated NC-17, ~16,ooo words, 98 KB, standard disclaimers apply. Notes: Written for lunasky's Love-Fest, secret revealed in post-script. Summary: It was a moment set aside from the rest of their lives. It was Colonel Sheppard who had the driver stop.
    in sga fic with carter mcshep ot3
  • balefully: FIC: I really dig those sequined shirts
    I really dig those sequined shirts Author: balefully Pairing: Jared/Sandy/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Words: 4,208 Summary: Jared and Jensen have plans for Sandy. But that's okay, because Sandy formulates some plans for them, too. Disclaimer: Obviously only the product of my fevered imagination.
    in cw fic with ot3
  • Lenore's Workshop - SGA Porn: The Warriors Of Bekkai
    The Warriors Of Bekkai Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney/Ronon Rating: NC-17 Summary: On a strange planet, Rodney gets initiated into the ways of the warrior. Notes: This was supposed to be for technosage's Porn Paragraph-A-Thon, but…it's many and many paragraphs too long for comment porn. The prompt was Rodney/Ronon/John, mission report.
    in sga fic with johnrodeyronon nc-17 ot3
  • The Secret Garden - RPF: Girls Gone Wild, adult
    Title: Girls Gone Wild Rating: Adult Pairing: Danneel/Jensen/OFC It's simple: when Jensen's in LA, he crashes with Steve. When Danneel's in LA, she crashes with Cat. When they're both in town? Basically: he lost the coin toss. Not that he doesn't like Cat. He does. She's...tall. And pretty. And cooks for him. But she and Danneel. Well. The two of them together are sort of like Voltron: more powerful (and more frightening) than the sum of their parts.
    in cw fic with ot3

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