American Capital - - American Capital Invests $22 Million in Acquisition of Portfolio Company Jones Stephens American Capital Strategies Ltd. (Nasdaq:ACAS) announced today that in the third quarter it invested $22 million to support the acquisition of its portfolio company Jones Stephens Corp. by an affiliate of Cortec Group Fund IV L.P. (“Cortec Group”). Jones Stephens is a leading designer, assembler and distributor of specialty plumbing components. American Capital’s investment takes the form of senior and junior subordinated debt. Jones Stephens’ management invested in the Company’s equity. American Capital is one of the largest U.S. publicly traded alternative asset managers. Â American Capital, both directly and through its global asset management business, is an investor in management and employee buyouts, private equity buyouts, and early stage and mature private and public companies. American Capital provides senior debt, mezzanine debt and equity to fund gr acquisitionbusinessbuyoutcorporatedebtemployeeequityesopfinancefinancinggrowthmanagementsubordinatedvaluation in Public bookmarkswith americancapitalcorp.cortecfundgroupjonesstephensstrategies
Carlyle portfolio company John Maneely Company acquires Atlas Tube Carlyle portfolio company John Maneely Company acquires Atlas Tube US private equity giant The Carlyle Group has agreed to merge portfolio company John Maneely Company, the parent of Wheatland Tube Company, with Atlas Tube. Following the transaction, Carlyle will hold a majority interest in the combined entity. JMC will remain as the parent entity, with Wheatland Tube and Atlas Tube as its two operating divisions. in Public bookmarkswith atlascarlylecompanygroupjohnmaneelytube