DtiCorp.com is Introducing the New Honeywell PP905B1008 Static Pressure Sensor Fort Lauderdale, FL - Popular Honeywell online retailer DtiCorp.com (http://www.DtiCorp.com) is introducing the brand new Honeywell PP905B1008 static pressure sensor. One-pipe, direct-or reverse-acting pressure sensor used with RP908/RP920 Controllers to provide control of duct static, velocity, or differential pressure in airflow applications. Replacement devices available for Johnson, Powers, Robertshaw, Barber-Colman, and older Honeywell devices. Features: - Three-diaphragm design minimizes calibration shift with static pressure changes in velocity pressure applications. - Not sensitive to normal supply air variations. - Continuous static, total, velocity, or differential pressure indication available by using differential pressure gage. Specifications: in Public bookmarkswith airflowapplicationscontrollersdifferentialdirect-actingdticorp.comducthoneywellone-pipepp905b1008pressurereverse-actingrp908rp920sensorstaticvelocity