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  • Animal Therapy for PTSD Treatment Becoming More Popular Says Igor Purlantov
    Source: With an increased number of military personnel returning home from deployment overseas, there has been an increased focus on ways to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through animal therapy according to animal rights advocate Igor Purlantov. The need for an effective treatment of PTSD is crucial given that an estimated one in five Iraq war veterans has some degree of PTSD or combat related stress but only one third of those screened receives any treatment. Although animal therapy has long been used to treat physical disabilities, it is now being used more frequently to treat psychological complications such as PTSD and other com
    in Public bookmarks with advocate animal animals at behavior chance for igor life pets ptsd purlantov rescue rights second shelters therapy treatment veterans vets
  • Easy Ways to Know if Your Cat is Happy According to Igor Purlantov
    Source: Cats are very intelligent animals that express various emotions including fear, grief, jealousy, anger and love according to animal rights advocate Igor Purlantov. For those that are lucky enough to have a cat in their home, it is important to know if your feline companion is happy. Finding out if your cat is happy can sometimes be a difficult task since cats are very good at hiding their true feelings says Igor Purlantov. Here are several ways to help you know if you have a happy cat: Playful Behavior Cats enjoy playing with others that they like and trust. Any amount of playful activity, from running back and forth and playing catch to simply patting your leg or face for a
    in Public bookmarks with advocate animal behavior cat cats happy igor is my pet pets purlantov rights understanding
  • Igor Purlantov Anticipates Animal Law Practice to Grow Rapidly in 2012
    Animal law has recently gained strong recognition both inside the classroom and outside within the general public. This growth is due in large part to high profile donations from respected animal rights activists such as Bob Barker. In January of 2009 Mr. Barker donated $1 million to the University of Virginia School of Law to start its animal law rights program through his DJ&T Foundation. DJ&T has also made donations to animal law programs at Columbia, Duke, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, and the University of California in Los Angeles. These generous donations have allowed animal law programs to grow and gain popularity within law schools which has also coincided with the increased widespread acceptance of animal welfare. Animal law programs are now ta
    in Public bookmarks with animal animals barker bob igor law legal pets purlantov rights school welfare
  • Love it Forward: Valentine’s Day Ideas for Pets
    Source: Throughout the year animal lovers are always looking for ways to give back to animal shelters or charities according to animal rights advocate Igor Purlantov. Valentine’s Day is a great time for people to show their love by giving back to their favorite animal charity or shelter in honor of their beloved pet.
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  • Top Five Tips on Spending the Holidays with Your Pets by Igor Purlantov
    Once again it is that time of the year when the holiday season rolls around. As everyone starts to look back on the year that is now coming to a close, we start to remember all of the wonderful times that we have had with family and friends. As the holiday season kicks into high gear, we all know that it is also time to think about everything we are grateful for and being excited to once again spend time with close family and friends. For many people this includes spending time with their beloved animal companions. Here are five top tips for making your furry friends feel just as warm and fuzzy during the holidays as they make you feel all year long: 5) Buy a special treat for your pet so that their holiday meal is as delicious as yours. Make a difference:
    in Public bookmarks with five holidays igor pets purlantov spending the tips top your

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