- 39 Photoshop Button Tutorials You Should Have in Your Arsenal > Design Vitality
39 Photoshop Button Tutorials You Should Have in Your Arsenal > Design Vitality
with design photoshop tutorials by 2 users
- 3D-Experience
Global Virtual Music Community Exploring City
with 3d flash by 3 users
- 50 Tools that can Improve your Writing Skills - Dumb Little Man
50 Tools that can Improve your Writing Skills
with writing by 7 users
- 52 Influential Photographs
52 of the photographs that shaped a technology, an art form, and the world
with history by 2 users
- 60 Elegant and Visually Appealing Designs
60 fresh, elegant, professional and visually appealing designs, which pay close attention to details and manage to remain simple, user-friendly and nice-looking.
It's quite easy to get stuck in creativity blocks, but it's damn hard out of them. Particularly if you are time and don't want compromise your professional principles selecting the first quick-n-dirty solution can think
css flash galleries inspiration
with design interface by 8 users
- 65 Excellent Flash Designs
65 Excellent Flash Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
with desing flash by 3 users
- 7 Little Known Ways To Drastically Improve Your Learning at Ririan Project
Whether you’re heading into exams or haven’t seen the inside of a textbook in years, how you learn is going to have a big impact on your life. Unfortunately most people have pretty ineffective strategies for learning. Here are a couple tips for how to maximize the amount you learn so you can use more of it later.
The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live. - Mortimer Adler Note: This guest post was
with life by 2 users
- 8 Simple Ways to Enjoy Life Every Day | PickTheBrain
8 Simple Ways to Enjoy Life Every Day In The Magic of Starting Small, I made the point that it is your days that define your life. In this article, I want to challenge the common perception that it is only possible to enjoy your leisure time. In particular, this article is targeted at the professional stuck in the 9 to 5 grind who longs for the weekend and, in the process, has given up on trying to find pleasure in the ordinary experiences we have every day. 1. Appreciate Beauty Each day we come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. It’s a shame, then, that many people have become so accustomed to this beauty that it largely goes unappreciated. I suggest looking again at the pe
with life
- 80 Beautiful Typefaces For Professional Design
80 Beautiful Typefaces For Professional Design
with design fonts by 10 users
- 911Tabs - tabs search engine // 2,000,000 tabs. Guitar, bass, drums, guitar pro and power tabs!
Fresh Tabs, Guitar tabs, Bass tabs, Drum tabs, Piano tabs, Guitar Pro tabs, Power Tabs
911Tabs - Tablature search engine. Over 3,500,000 tabs indexed: guitar tabs, bass tabs, chords, drum tabs, piano tabs, guitar pro tabs, and power tabs
911tabs bass chords drum guitar piano pro search tablature tabs
with guitar by 5 users
- A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods
A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods
with presentation visualization by 7 users
- About | Stylegala
Stylegala is an online resource and inspiration guide for web agencies, designers and developers who take interest in websites that combine the powers of design, web standards and CSS. Web standards are recommendations set by the W3C as to how web sites should be constructed to work better for everyone.
with development webdesign
- About A List Apart
A List Apart Magazine explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.
with webdesign by 2 users
- Achtung Werbung
Achtung Werbung Neuigkeiten, Gimmicks, Insights und Einsichten aus der Planningidylle
with advertising blog by 2 users
- ActiveBass.com
with bass guitar lessons bass tab mp3 music scales gear and other goodies...
Free bass guitar lessons with tablature and playback. With OLGA tab search, composition tools, resources, accessory and sheet music reviews, scales, lines, and more!
bass guitar lesson mp3 music olga reviews scales sheet tab tablature
with bass by 2 users
- Ad Age Advertising Century
Top 100 Advertising Campaigns
with advertising campaigns
- Adobe Photoshop Tutorials
Photoshop Tutorials, Flash Tutorials, Programming Tutorials and Web Tutorials - Total Tutorial
Online directory of the best free Adobe Photoshop tutorials from around the web. Hundreds of great techniques and tips listed.
adobe cs2 photoshop tutorials
with tutorial by 3 users
- Adventures
Expedition Exchange. Description of diverse expeditions and tours
with expedition
- AdverBox Advertising
A collection of beautiful Ads daily visual pleasure for ad voyeurs
Advertising, Advertising blog, Print Ads, Outdoor, Guerrilla Marketing, Commercials, Vodcast, Buzz Marketing, Viral Marketing, New Media
ads advertising billboard blog guerrilla marketing media outdoor print viral
with advertising blog by 7 users
- aiAlex » Top 50 Inspirational Websites for Designers
here are the top 50 inspirational websites for your viewing pleasure. Truly bookmark worthy for any aspiring designer.
with inspirational links by 2 users
Bookmarks 41 - 60
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