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  • COLOURlovers
    COLOURlovers™ is a resource that monitors and influences color trends. COLOURlovers gives the people who use color - whether for ad campaigns, product design, or even in architectural specification - a place to check out a world of color, compare color palettes, submit news and comments, and read color related articles and interviews.
    COLOURlovers is a creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles... All in the spirit of love
    in Public bookmarks with color trends by 83 users
  • kuler
    color tests etc.
    kuler from Adobe Labs. Quickly create harmonious color themes online. Explore, create and share color themes.
    2.0 adobe color community design harmonies illustrator indesign kuler labs photoshop themes theory web wheel
    in Public bookmarks with color by 72 users

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