Free Sharemarket Trading Games - Stock Market Education - ASX Take a hypothetical $50,000, create your own virtual share portfolio and experience what it is like to invest in the sharemarket without spending a cent of your own money. * Free to play * Buy and sell shares to increase the value of your portfolio in a set time frame * Simulates real sharemarket conditions * Great prizes to be won! Take a hypothetical $50,000, create your own virtual stock portfolio and experience what it is like to invest in the stock market without spending a cent of your own money. ASX runs a number of sharemarket games which allow investors to test their investment skills, learn investment strategies, practice stock and investment opportunity analysis as you trade on-line. aboutasxgamelearnmarketsharesharemarketsharesstocktrading in Educationalwith asxaustralianeducationeducationalexchangegamemarketonlinestocktrading
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