Civic Duty (2006) An American accountant bombarded with cable news and the media's obsession with terrorist plots in the post 9-11 world, receives a jolt when an unattached Islamic graduate student moves in next door...Angry and depressed over losing his job, accountant Terry Allen begins to suspect his new neighbor, a single Islamic grad student with a penchant for unexplained late night activities, is at the center of a terrorist conspiracy. Although both Terry’s wife and the FBI agent to whom he reports his suspicions are skeptical about his fears, Terry becomes increasingly obsessed with uncovering the man’s true identity. Directed by Jeff Renfroe. With Peter Krause, Khaled Abol Naga, Richard Schiff, Kari Matchett. An American accountant bombarded with cable news and the media's obsession with terrorist plots in the post 9-11 world, receives a jolt when an unattached Islamic graduate student moves in next door. boardscreditsdvdsmessagephotosratingsreviewsshowtimessynopsistrailersuser in jelly > Movieswith filmfilmsimdb.comjellykrausemoviemoviespeter Note: lookee what Peter Krause has been up to.