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  • St Kilda Kiteboarding school
    We specialize in getting you up and moving quickly, enjoyably and safely - All lessons are guaranteed to please, all equipment is included. Kiteboarding is using the wind to power up a kite and create energy, which can be used to move over land, water and snow creating wind powered sport. It takes students 3 to 4 lessons to learn the hand/eye co-ordination, balance, and skill needed to master this. St Kilda Kiteboarding focuses on the water aspect of this sport. On a good Kiteboarding day in St Kilda, there can be well over 70 kites in the air. This combination of graceful, colorful kites, with riders performing jumps, tricks & spins on their kiteboards, makes an amazing spectacle to watch. Often large crowds of curious on-lookers gather to enjoy the sigh
    in Fitness with boarding fitness kilda kite kiteboarding lessons school sport st water

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