Little Children (2006) Little Children centers on a group of young marrieds, whose lives intersect on the playgrounds, town pools and streets of their small community in surprising and potentially dangerous ways. Directed by Todd Field. With Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connelly, Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley. The lives of two lovelorn spouses from separate marriages, a registered sex offender, and a disgraced ex-police officer intersect as they struggle to resist their vulnerabilities and temptations. boardscreditsdvdsmessagephotosratingsreviewsshowtimessynopsistrailersuser in jelly > Movieswith filmjellykatemovies Note: Looks very cool.
Kate Crawford Kate Crawford is a writer, composer and academic based in Sydney, Australia. Her most recent work, Adult Themes, is released in Australia through Pan-Macmillan. It will be appearing on shelves in all good book stores throughout Australia from October 1, 2006. Kate Crawford is a lecturer in the Department of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney where she specialises in new media cultures. Prior to joining the academy she spent a number of years working as a journalist in both Australia and the US, including The Sydney Morning Herald and New York-based the451. Kate Crawford in Mediawith adultaustraliabookcommunicationscrawfordjellykatelecturermediapan-macmillansydneythemesuniversitywriter Note: Writer of 'Adult Themes', critique of generational studies and the terms that define what it is to be an 'adult'.