- Metolious Wood Grips training board
Wood offers great advantages for extensive training workouts. In many ways, wood is one of the most remarkable natural materials the planet has to offer us. It is strong, lightweight, workable and undeniably beautiful. It also grows on trees, so if we’re wise about its use, it can always be replenished. Another amazing feature is that it feels incredible to the touch. When used in training products, it seems to do the impossible: provide enough texture for excellent grip while having minimal impact on the skin.
in Fitness > Climbing with climbing finger fingerboard fitness grips metolious rock training wood
Note: Cliffhanger sell 'em for $170 which is available here: http://secure-online-store.com/cliffhanger/default.html?cat=51
- Needle Sports Training Equipment
Quite a good list of finger training boards for climbing, including possibly handy descriptions.
Get yourself well-honed! Finger Strengtheners, Finger Boards, Campus Rungs and Bolt-on Holds.
in Fitness > Climbing with climbing finger fingerboard fitness grips rock training wood
- Training For Climbing - Outdoor Fun Store
A guide towards using fingerboards for training. Namely, have a look at: http://www.outdoorfunstore.com/TrainingBoardBrochureStd.pdf
Outdoor Fun Store sells and services the highest quality Climbing Equipment from a variety of manufactureres to satisfy your climbing needs.
climbing for training
in Fitness > Climbing with climbing finger fingerboard fitness grips rock training wood
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