Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Mathematical and Statistical Science (SZCSMS) - La Trobe University This four-year double-degree program provides the opportunity for students to undertake major studies in mathematical and statistical science, while at the same time completing all the core material from the Bachelor of Computer Science. The course aims to produce ICT professionals. The double degree enables students with a vocational interest in either mathematics, statistics or computer science to enhance their employability by a major in two areas of study. In particular, the double degree gives students an opportunity to combine major studies in mathematics or statistics with computer science, which addresses the frequent need to combine mathematical and statistical modelling of practical problems with a computer implemented solution. Graduates are elig in Educational > University > LaTrobewith bachelordegreedoublelatrobeundergraduateuniversitiesuniversity
Bachelor of Mathematical and Statistical Science (SBMSS) - Melbourne (Bundoora) - La Trobe University In the last 50 years, mathematics has found widespread applications in areas as diverse as information technology, economics, management, finance and biology, as well as deepening its traditional relationships with physics, chemistry and engineering. Statistical science plays a crucial role in providing the tools necessary for the understanding of scientific, engineering and economic data. Demand for mathematicians and statisticians is currently high. This degree course provides the opportunity for students to combine significant studies in mathematics and statistics with units from a wide variety of disciplines, including those with which mathematics and statistics have not traditionally been associated. In doing this, students have the opportunity to desi in Educational > University > LaTrobewith coursedegreehandbooklatrobemathematicsstatisticaluniversitiesuniversity