ENOUGH ROPE with Andrew Denton - About the Show An email Andrew sent in August 2002, outlining his early vision for ENOUGH ROPE, included this: "Will sometimes feature just one guest, but only if the talent warrants. Will stand clearly apart from the news and current affairs agenda of the week. Will trust the old maxim that the best television is two talking heads having a great conversation. Will not - absolutely WILL NOT - be a plug-a-thon for anyone's latest book, movie or CD. Will not be afraid to be funny. Will not be afraid not to. Will give a forum to (outrageous) ideas without being judgemental. Will challenge people to think. And then challenge their thinking." in Media > Movies and TV showswith 2002abcaffairsagendaandrewcelebritiescelebrityenoughguestinterviewinterviewsnewsropetalenttalkingtelevision
Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh Over three hundred and fifty years were to pass before a mild-mannered Englishman finally cracked the mystery in 1995. Fermat by then was far more than a theorem. Whole lives had been devoted to the quest for a solution. There was Sophie Germain, who had to take on the identity of a man to conduct research in a field forbidden to females. The dashing Evariste Galois scribbled down the results of his research deep into the night before sauntering out to die in a duel. The Japanese genius Yutaka Taniyama killed himself in despair, while the German industrialist Paul Wolfskehl claimed Fermat had saved him from suicide. in Educational > Mathematics > Textbooks/Bookswith andrewbookeducationeducationalfermatlastsimonsinghsteventheoremwiles Note: In the states it was called: Fermat's Enigma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem by SIMON SINGH and JOHN LYNCH (http://www.amazon.com/Fermats-Enigma-Greatest-Mathematical-Problem/dp/0385493622/ref=sr_1_1/103-5448947-8371815?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1180070589&sr=8-1). And e ...morelsewhere: Fermat's Last Theorem: The Story of a Riddle That Confounded the World's Greatest Minds for 358 Years.