- Information on Border Slants
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- Integrated Web Design Strategies for Long-Term CSS Hack Management
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- Javascript Entry - Cody Lindley
JQuery To The Rescue
Cody Lindley is a client-side engineer (aka front-end developer) and recovering Flash developer. He has an extensive background working professionally (11+ years) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and client-side performance techniques as it pertains to web development. If he is not wielding client-side code he is likely toying with interface/interaction design, PHP, MVC framework
in Public bookmarks with css effects html javascript library ria
- Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
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- Jello Molds & Width Control
Fluid Layout with pure css of min-/max-width also in IE
An explaination of the Jello Mold Layout by Mike Purvis.
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- Joe Clark, Toronto
joeclark.org (2006.06.06)
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- Joshuaink
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- jQuery: Tutorial
JQuery is yet another JavaScript library to join the already crowded space that includes Prototype, Scriptaculous, Rico, Moo.Fx and maybe a dozen others. You attach the ".JS" file in your <head> to get access to lots of pre-built functions and gizmos.
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- justaddwater.dk
Instant Usability & Web Standards
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- Khmerang.com - CSS-Technique: Worn Type
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- larsholst.info-designs » T-Shirts (100% CSS)
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- Levels of Accessibility Knowledge – Le «blog personnel» de Joe Clark
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- Levels of HTML knowledge
456 Berea Street
Descriptions of a few different levels of HTML knowledge among people working in the web industry.
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- List of Mozilla Quirks Mode Behavior
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- Listamatic
The IE box model and Doctype modes
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- Listutorial
Step by step CSS list tutorial
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Different methods of image replacement by css
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- mezzoblue § revised image replacement
mezzoblue: a weblog by dave shea, a web designer in vancouver, b.c., canada.
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- No, Internet Explorer did not handle it properly
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