DB LaTeX DocBook to LaTeX Publishing transforms your SGML/XML DocBook documents to DVI, PostScript or PDF by translating them in pure LaTeX as a first process. MathML 2.0 markups are supported too. It started as a clone of DB2LaTeX. in Software > Text > TeX and LaTeXwith dblatexdocbooklatextexxetex
TeX Users Group (TUG) The TeX Users Group (TUG) was founded in 1980 for educational and scientific purposes, to provide an organization for those who have an interest in typography and font design, and are users of the TeX typesetting system invented by Donald Knuth. TUG is an organization by, for, and of its members and also representing the interests of TeX users worldwide. It is nearly entirely member-supported, so if you use any TeX-related programs (TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, Metafont, MetaPost, Texinfo, et al.), please consider joining TUG (or another TeX user group). The membership benefits include our journals TUGboat and The PracTeX Journal, as well as TeX Live, proTeXt, MacTeX, and other software distributions. The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) is the primary repo ctanfontslatexlivemactexmetafontmetapostpractexprotexttextexlivetugtugboattypesettingtypography in Software > Text > TeX and LaTeXwith latextexby 9 users