- Aksharamala
Indian Language Solutions: Hindi, Marathi and Telugu
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan with hindi marathi telugu by 2 users
- American Institute of Indian Studies
American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS). Consortium of universities and colleges in America, engaged in teaching and research about India. Headquartered in Chicago (at the U of Chicago), with offices in India. "Knowledge of India's cultures, history, languages, and present-day dynamics".
in Languages > Indic Languages with hindi india indic
- Annapurna SIL Fonts
Unicode-based font family with support for the many diverse languages that use Devanagari script
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with devanagari font hindi
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), is primarily an R & D institution involved in the design, development and deployment of advanced Information Technology (IT) based solutions.
acts advanced c-dac cdac csi development downloads education egovernance ex gist hindi mail nmrc supercomputers supercomputing
in Languages > Indic Languages with hindi indic
Resource Center for Indian Language Technology Solutions Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Resource Centre for Western Indian Languages.
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan with hindi marathi
- Computing in Indian Languages
IndicTrans, a platform for collabration for making the information technology available to the people and thus bridge the digital divide. Currently in English, Hindi and Gujarati.
in Languages > Indic Languages with gujarati hindi indic
- EMILLE Corpus Full Release
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with corpus emille hindi indic indo-aryan languages release
- EMILLE Project
Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Singhalese, Tamil, with additional data from Assamese, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya and Telegu.
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with emille hindi indic indo-aryan languages
- ERDC Corpus
PDF describing Indic corpus clxn, but old, and ERDIC doesn't seem to have any corpora work anymore. Link to ERDIC NOIDA's web site at http://www.ipu.ac.in/affiliates/institutes/webpage/AIERDCI.HTM,
but it's broken.
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with corpus erdc hindi indic indo-aryan languages
- Hindi Blog Search Engine
hundreds of blogs written in Hindi
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with blog hindi
- Hindi grammar (wikipedia)
ablative adjective adverb affricate agent agglutinative agreement alveolar case consonant grammar hindi-urdu linguistics
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with grammar hindi indic indo-aryan languages wikipedia
- Hindi speech recognition
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with hindi speech
- Indictrans
Indictrans: Online Conversion Tool for Legacy to Unicode
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with converter devanagari encoding hindi
- Intermediate Hindi Resources
Intended for Hindi language learners, but other stuff here too, including a utility that purports to fix Unicode text that Google mail has broken.
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with hindi
- ITINHindi Lexicons
Original URL was http://www.itinhindi.org/products.htm.
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with hindi indic indo-aryan itinhindi languages lexicons
- Mantra (MT)
MANTRA translates the English text into Hindi in a specified domain of Personal Administration.
MANTRA translates the English text into Hindi in a specified domain of Personal Administration, specifically Gazette Notifications, Office Orders, Office Memorandums and Circulars.
aai administration assisted c-dac cdac gazette machine mantra memorandums notifications office orders personal tool translation
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with hindi machine mt translatino
- Mark Liberman's Hindi notes
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with hindi indic indo-aryan languages libermans mark notes
- Maryland Surprise Language Resources
in Languages > Indic Languages > Indo-Aryan > Hindi with hindi indic indo-aryan languages maryland resources surprise
- Microsoft Phonetic Input Tool
Microsoft Phonetic Input Tool beta provides an intuitive method for users to input text in 13 Indic languages namely Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Assamese, Oriya and Konkani using standard QWERTY keyboard.
in Languages > Indic Languages with assamese bengali gujarati hindi indic kannada konkani malayalam marathi oriya punjabi sanskrit telugu
- Microsoft Phonetic Input Tool
Microsoft Phonetic Input Tool beta provides an intuitive method for users to input text in 13 Indic languages namely Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Assamese, Oriya and Konkani using standard QWERTY keyboard.
in Languages > Indic Languages with assamese bengali gujarati hindi indic kannada konkani malayalam marathi oriya punjabi sanskrit telugu
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